December 10, 2012

Think beyond the 9-5

Really, 9-5?  Who am I kidding? 

We all are guilty of working longer than 8 hours some days, but I seriously hope not every day.  Instead, think about refocusing that energy and make time to do something that's good for your soul - your Paralegal soul.   

Get involved outside the office.  Yes, feel the sunshine on your faces, my friends!  If you're feeling alone in your job because you are the only paralegal or you want to meet new friends outside the office, then look to see if your area has a local paralegal association you can join.  Take the time to connect with other Paralegal professionals.  It's all about the networking these days.  The group of Paralegals in my association are phenomenal!  I have discovered that we all have special Paralegal "Super Talents" and they make me want to be a better paralegal and to strive for more in my career. 

The right group of paralegals are supportive, learn from each other, and of course, allow you to simply commiserate with one another in a safe environment.  (That's also good for the soul, but only in moderation, please!)  In addition, Paralegal associations usually have a charitable event they sponsor (legal and non-legal related), have committees you can join, as well as provide the opportunity for leadership.  A skill that can be helpful back at the office.  Most importantly, you have the opportunity to showcase your skills.  You know you have skills, don't be scared to show them off! 

Becoming involved has helped me and my Paralegal soul!  I went from feeling fairly isolated to gaining a huge network of new colleagues and friends across the state and nation. 

So, in thinking beyond the 9-5, remember the quote from Lao Tzu "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." 

What's your first step going to be? 

1 comment:

  1. Am I your first comment? Er, no

    Seriously, Amen, Sistah! Mingling with real live paralegals on a regular basis can be such a lifesaver, professionally and personally. Need someone who understands your day? Paralegal friends. Need someone who can give you a legal go-by or answer a quick question? Paralegal friends. Need people to inspire you? Paralegal friends - and leaders.
