January 9, 2013

Resolution 1: Freshen up your style and feel good about yourself

“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.” -Miuccia Prada

I always feel like I can conquer the world when I look my best.  Why?  Because appearance does matter.  I am a Paralegal and my appearance is one way to instantly display my professionalism.  As Paralegals, we are seen everyday by our attorneys, co-workers, clients, opposing counsel and staff, court personnel, and legal support vendors.  Take the time to invest in yourself.  Let your awesome inner self shine through in your outer self. 

Let me share a few head to toe tips you can do today to freshen up your style and feel good about yourself. 
  • Hair:  Take the extra 5 minutes each morning to make sure your hair is combed, pulled back, or styled.   Gentlemen, the same applies to you.   
  • Face:  Ladies, whether you wear a lot of makeup or not, find a make up trick that works best for you.  I do hear that a little mascara goes a long way.  I would avoid too much makeup as you don't want to look like you're ready to go to the club instead of the courtroom.  Gentlemen, if you sport facial hair, make sure it stays trimmed.  Most importantly, smile and have a positive attitude.  A good attitude is always noticed by those you have daily interactions with in and out of the office. 
  • Body:  Simply put, a well put together outfit goes a long way to show you not only take your job seriously, but may also have your employer looking at you more seriously.  If you can afford it, invest in a nice suit. 
    TIP:  Keep a suit jacket in your office in case you have an unexpected meeting with a client or have to run to the courthouse. 
  • Feet:  Shoes, not sure what I can really say about shoes.  Isn't there a saying about shoes making the man or woman?  Shoes can be another way to express your personal style. 
  • Etcetera, Etcetera:  Finding a career dressing blog is a great way to get started.  There are a lot of bloggers out there.  Here's a couple to get you started:
Go have some fun with your style, but also remember to follow your law firm or company's dress policy, because sometimes in the legal world: 

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
—Leonardo da Vinci

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