July 31, 2013

Setting Career Goals (and Why It Matters)

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."  --Henry David Thoreau
Yes, it is important to set goals for yourself.  Whether you realize it or not, you have already been setting and achieving goals.  For starters, you made the decision to become a paralegal, then you graduated from school, and now (hopefully) you are employed as a paralegal.  Boom!  3 goals accomplished!  I set goals to motivate me and to help determine  the direction of my career.  I utilize goal setting to help me evaluate my career and determine where I want to go next. 

Not sure how to start shaping your career?  My advise is to start small and within a small time frame.   Why?  I have found it easier to focus my energies on goals that I believe I can accomplish in a given time frame.  Say to yourself, "in three (3) years, I want to be _______" and fill in your own blanks.  Or if you are brand new paralegal, start even smaller.  Once you get settled into your job, envision where you hope to be the same time next year.  You just might be amazed at how much you learned over that first year. 

Write down those goals and keep them somewhere where you can refer to them from time to time.  Oh, and of course, bigger goals or those goals far in the future are important so set those as well go for it! 

Most importantly, do not get discouraged if you do not accomplish all (or any) of your goals in the initial time you set for yourself.  For example, it is a goal of mine to become NALA certified and has been my goal since I graduated from my paralegal program.  I have bought the books, made note cards, attended a review course, but as with many of us, life sometimes gets in the way.  I still want to reach that goal, I just have moved it to my long ranging goal list. 

What if my goals are different from when I started making them?  It is completely normal for your goals change.  Change is a part of life and being able to adapt to change is a great skill to possess.  Changing or evolving goals means you are taking charge and being responsible for your career.  A must for a successful paralegal. 

What are some goals you have set for yourself?

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